NBPA Newsletter – December 2021
President’s Report
Thank you to all those members who attended the Christmas party and the AGM and a big thank you to David Jay for organising and preparing a fantastic lunch for the Christmas party.
The AGM went well with 18 members attending. The amended constitution was approved and that document will be lodged at Fair Trading for registration. I am pleased to report that the following members were appointed to the committee:
John Fuller – President
Ian Lanser – Vice-President and Treasurer
Rona Richmond – Secretary and Public Officer
Pippa Gower– Committee member
Chris Taylor – Committee member
Michael Robinson – Committee member
David Jay – Committee member
Ross McDonald – Committee member
Robert Deane – Committee member
Next year there will be a greater emphasis on coaching and training for those who are interested and there will also be social competitions against other clubs. I have already received an invitation from Lee Thatcher to bring a team up to his club for an event in late February. Newcastle, Ryde in the Park, Hornsby and Gold Coast have all expressed an interest in a social competition.
I would like to thank my committee, in particular Ian and Rona for their tremendous help during the year and also the venue hosts for organising events each week.
I wish all members a safe and happy Christmas season.
John Fuller

Klaus is 80 years young!

Ageing like a fine wine, our inspirational octogenarian and Kiki won “The Clash of the Pickles” this week, winning 5 games out of 6 against some formidable opponents. The 5 point final was played against up and coming youngsters Matt and Jeff, the runners up. Congratulations to all!
Christmas Party 2021
Thanks to David Jay, we had a ripper of a Christmas party at Manly Dam last Sunday. We feasted on prawns, chicken, ham, roast beef, salads, mince pies, chocolates and more!
The cool weather did not dampen our spirits thanks to the delightful company of fellow picklers and an unlimited supply of beer and San Telmo 101 Bubbles Sparkling white wine.
The lucky door prize was won by Frank’s wife Cecilia. She is sure to look lovely in one of our Club shirts!
Pickle What?
Our Club featured in the November issue of the Pittwater Life magazine. A reporter (Steve Meacham) saw us playing on the Avalon outdoor courts and was keen to explain to puzzled readers what the sport with the funny name is all about. The article is titled “Avalon in a surreal ‘pickle'”. Click on the image to learn about the origin of pickleball and how it all began on the Northern Beaches.
Kitchen Lines at PCYC
Did you know that the kitchen (non-volley zone) lines at PCYC are 6 inches too close to the net?
The reason for this is that we are currently playing on badminton courts. However, new lines will be marked on 22 January so be warned, it will be easier to commit a foot fault.
Remember … stay out of the kitchen when volleying!

Improve Your Game
Beginning 2 February 2022, the monthly “All grades” Wednesday session will consist of one hour of coaching on 2 courts for the first 8 to sign up on arrival, followed by one hour of social play.
Pickleball is easy to play, but hard to master. Practising shots through repetition and in a non-competitive situation gives you more chance of being able to play the right shot at the right time. Remember …. pickleball is not just ground strokes from the baseline.

Worth a read – USAPA Pickleball Magazine
How important are Dinks?: Page 18 – 19
Rules Changes for 2022: Page 22 – 23
Dinking for the world record: Page 52 – 53
Pickleball on Ice: Page 64 – 65
Couples as Partners Can Drive You to Dink!: Page 80 – 81
Thursday 3 Person Pickleball
by Chris Taylor
What do you do if you only have 3 Pickleball players. Rather than somebody sitting out, 3 Player Pickleball is a good option.
Player profile – Donna Jay
How long have you been playing pickleball? Couple of years.
How did you first hear about pickleball? I found it on a cruise. I met some lovely Canadians who helped me get started and I haven’t looked back.
What do you like about the game? You can pick up your paddle and go anywhere for a game. I have found all pickleballers to be friendly & welcoming.
Which other sports have you played in your younger years (or are still playing)? I played a few sports over the years, I’ve always enjoyed being active, tennis, squash, table tennis, hockey, netball when I was younger……now I like to hike and thanks to Santa hopefully I am going to try paddle boarding.
How often do you play pickleball? Whenever I can, just ask me I am always happy to have a hit with anyone. I have a net and balls.
Thanks to Donna for sharing her pickleball experience with us.
Please send any feedback or suggestions for the NBPA newsletter to mail@northernbeachespickleball.org.au.