What are the physical and mental health benefits of playing pickleball?
The physical and mental health benefits of pickleball are many. Pickleball requires players to move back and forth over a badminton-sized court and hit a ball over the net with a paddle. This means players are moving their legs, arms, wrists, and their whole body. This requires a good deal of movement and is a fantastic, fun way to fit exercise into the day.
Pickleball Strengthens Muscles
Pickleball is considered a weight-bearing exercise since you are running around carrying your own weight. This reduces the loss of muscle mass which occurs as we age.
Pickleball Boosts Cardiovascular Health
The game gives your heart a hearty workout. As you dash around the court, you will be boosting cardio health which is a great way to combat heart issues.
Pickleball Reduces Stress
Playing pickleball gets your hear pumping which in turn releases endorphins which are the feel-good chemicals in the brain. When these endorphins are released, stress falls away.
Pickleball Helps Maintain a Healthy Weight
The rigorous exercise of pickleball helps to burn calories, thus making it possible for players to maintain healthy weight goals. A healthy weight is of course linked to numerous health benefits.
Pickleball Enhances Brain Function
Your brain is a muscle, which means it needs to be exercised just like any other muscle. Any type of game that requires strategy, reflexes, and quick thinking will work the brain and therefore work out the muscles.