Upcoming Events
Our club is hoping to organise inter-club pickleball events with Woy Woy, Hornsby, Hunter Pickleball, Hallidays Point and other pickleball clubs in Sydney and surrounds in the near future.
Past Pickleball Events
Below are links to some of the events and competitions which have been held in NSW and Australia. Many of our club’s members have participated in these events, several of whom have brought home medals.
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Australian Pickleball Championships and some of the other scheduled events in NSW and throughout Australia had to be cancelled.
2022 NSW Open – April 2022, Wahroonga, NSW
2021 NSW Open – April 2021, Wahroonga, NSW
2019 Sydney Doubles Tournament – Dee Why, NSW
2019 Australian Open Championships – Brisbane, QLD
Inaugural NSW Open – April 2019, Wahroonga, NSW
Inaugural Australian Open Championships – Sydney 2018, Marrickville, NSW
First Anniversary of pickleball in New South Wales, Wahroonga, NSW
To download photos from the above links to past events, click once on the photo you want. Click on the down arrow located at the bottom right of the screen to choose your size.