We use OpenSports to control player numbers. It is compulsory to book in each time you wish to play. If you turn up without having booked in for a session through OpenSports, you unfortunately won’t be allowed to play.
How to join the ABPA OpenSports group via the Web:
- Go to https://opensports.net/avalon-beach-pickleball-sydney. Enter your details to sign up. NOTE: It’s best to sign up using your email address, because if you sign up via Facebook and you didn’t share your email or if you disabled email notifications, then you won’t get important emails.
- You will be sent a verification code by email. Enter this code in OpenSports.
- Click on “Join Group” and accept the waiver.
- Click on “Events” further down the page for bookings. You will be able to book in for an Introductory lesson. If you are a seasoned player from another club or an out of area visitor, please contact mail@avalonbeachpickleball.org.au.
How to join using the Android app (Similar instructions for the iOS app)
Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=opensports.android&hl=en&gl=US
iOS app: https://apps.apple.com/au/app/opensports-your-sport-groups/id1056940981
- Open the app and enter your details.
- You will be sent a verification code by email. Enter this code in OpenSports.
- Enter your location and you’ ll be taken to the events near you. Click on “Find a Group” and search for “Avalon”.
- Click on “Avalon Beach Pickleball Association”.
- Click on “Join” and accept the waiver.
- You are now a member of the Avalon Beach OpenSports group, but you are not yet a member of the Avalon Beach Pickleball Association unless you have already applied to join, been accepted and have paid the membership fee.
- You will now be able to book in for an Introductory lesson. If you are a seasoned player from another club or an out of area visitor, please contact mail@avalonbeachpickleball.org.au.
Please upload a profile photo so that we can recognise you easily when you arrive at an event.
OpenSports have a comprehensive HELP Centre: https://opensports.net/help, but if you still have problems, please email mail@avalonbeachpickleball.org.au.
Will I get notified when a spot on the waitlist becomes available?
If an event is cancelled, how will I receive the refund?
Where can I find confirmation for my registration?
Can I change my name on the app?
How can I give reviews/ratings to event organisers?